
Sumner County school's logo

Sumner County school's logo

HOw to cross in front of school bus.  This is described in text below.

Boarding Your School Bus (Above)

  1. STAY -- on your side of the road -- far away from the traffic.
  2. WAIT -- for the bus to stop and for your driver's signal to cross.
  3. CHECK -- traffic both ways -- then check again.
  4. CROSS -- walk directly across, checking traffic both ways.
  5. WALK -- approximately 10 feet ahead of the bumper and board the bus quickly.


  • Stay on your side until your driver signals you to cross.
  • Check and recheck for traffic.
  • Follow the 10 foot rule.
  • Board bus quickly -- go directly to your seat.

Cars SHOULD stop ... but

How to lave a school bus.  This is described below.

Leaving Your School Bus (Above)

  1. WALK -- along the side of the road until you can see your driver.
  2. STOP -- wait for your driver's signal to cross.
  3. WALK & LOOK -- for traffic both ways. 

    Walk approximately 10 feet ahead of the bumper.

    If you see a vehicle that has not stopped, go back to the bus immediately. 

    If all vehicles have stopped, cross the road quickly.


  • Walk
  • Stop
  • Walk & Look
  • Follow the 10 foot rule.

Cars SHOULD stop ... but

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