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Organization: _____________________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Fundraising Activity/Event: ________________________________________________ Proposed Fundraising Activity/Event: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ The event/activity/fundraiser will be on SCS property [ ] Yes [ ] No The event is scheduled to take place during school day [ ] Yes [ ] No Proposed use of the funds raised: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Check All That Apply: [ ] All funds will be collected by SSO volunteers and deposited into the bank account of the SSO. [ ] The SSO will receive a commission/donation/payment from the vendor used for this fundraiser. [ ] The school will receive $___________ or __________% of the proceeds directly from the School Support Organization after the event. (The SSO will provide a financial analysis report and a check to the school for the amount indicated above within 1 week of the event) Requested By: ____________________________________________________________ SSO Representative Signature/ Title & Date Reviewed By: _____________________________________________________________ School Principal/ Designee Signature & Date _______________________________ _________________________ Approved by Director/Designee Date (Revised 2020)     %&2:;FPRXYbcd  ϳqbqXNXXXXhNoCJ^JaJh`CJ^JaJhe^h`6>*CJ]^Jhe^h`6CJ]^Jhe^h`CJ^Jh/CJ^JaJ hgbN^Jhe^hGU5CJ^JaJhe^5CJ^JaJhe^hNo5CJ^JaJhe^he^5CJ^JaJhe^h* 5CJ^JaJ!he^hGU5CJ$\]^JaJ$!he^h3V5CJ$\]^JaJ$Yc  1 2 ) w x y gd* gdNo & FgdNo & Fgd`$a$gde^$a$gd/$a$gd3V      ! 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